Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Alan Dershowitz: the Anti Semitic Cartoon and the The Forward's Defense. My Comments


Yes, That Cartoon of Me Was Anti-Semitic - Alan M. Dershowitz

Alan Dershowitz: The Forward's Defense of an Anti-Semitic Cartoon Is Unacceptable | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

Alan Dershowitz: Antisemitic Caricature of Me Generates No Criticism From Berkeley Hard-Left | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

My comments to Alan Dershowitz: 

I totally agree that the Forward's defense was unacceptable and that Dershowitz has a right to criticize  Berkeley's Hard-left. 

HOWEVER....How does Alan Dershowitz justify his own long term defense of freedom of Speech of anti Semitic BDS slander against the IDF?  Doesn't HE too have a double standard?  

Dershowitz is extremely influential and his continued defense of BDS hate speech under the protection of our 1st Amendment rights has empowered Radical Islamic Jihad ideology to the point where everyone else's Freedom of Speech is being denied! I am sure that is not his intent.

The legal fight against BDS has failed because they are succeeding to "educate" BDS under 1st Amendment protections to the exclusion of all other "education". 

In Dershowitz's defense, many have advocated to brand Hate Speech as violating our 1st Amendment rights.  This group is usually anti Israel who love to brand pro Israel narrative as hate speech against Palestinians.. 

The key then is to make sure that suppression of those who expose BDS lies and indoctrination is considered a felony.  When there is infiltration of BDS into the organization then they control the narrative.  Not so simple to drain the swamp. There must be an investigation as per who is responsible for suppressing pro Israel advocacy.

Radical Islamic Jihad ideology does not play by our rules.  They therefore do not deserve the same rights and protections as other religions. They do not deserve the rights and protections as other types of speech.  

Radical Islamic Jihad ideology use our 1st Amendment protections as weapons against America and against Israel. 

President Trump at the end of  his press briefing called the ISIS Terrorist Trucker who mowed down bicyclists, as an enemy combatant.  Enemy combatants do not deserve the same protections and lawyers and defense as would other criminals.

NOV 1 2017, 8:08 PM ETTrump: Consider Sending NYC Truck Attacker to Guantanamo Bay https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/nyc-terrorist-attack/nyc-truck-attacker-should-be-declared-enemy-combatant-graham-says-n816396

Radical Islamic Jihad ideology has to control the narrative completely. Only their narrative has free speech rights.   Yet, their free speech has been (stupidly) defended by nice Jewish Lawyers like Dershowitz.  Civilization Jihad will suppress and/or criminalize and categorize speech that exposes their lies and propaganda as Islamaphobic and hate speech. 

The facts  are there are real physical threats, violence and total disruption directed against anyone that dares to expose the lies and propaganda that these ingrates have disseminated under our First Amendment rights.  Campuses have to spend millions of dollars in police protection for a conservative pro Israel speaker like David Horowitz or Pamela Geller on campus.  

Is Dershowitz shocked when he, a nice liberal Jewish advocate of their free speech to spread their lies and propaganda, is slandered and abused and targeted when all he asks for is a word in edgewise? 

Has he finally realized that he is not dealing with your common criminal?

Student Justice for Palestine for example is a front for Radical Islamic Jihad. They have chapters on many college campuses. Why is CUNY giving them space?

Brigitte Gabriel exposes the Muslim Brotherhood like no other. Brilliant expose!They wrote the plan of the destruction of the US in 1991. "An Explanatory Memorandum of the General Strategic Goal of the North American Group, May 1991.

They engage in Civilized Jihad whose end goal is violent Jihad and the destruction of western civilization

Let us reclassify Radical Islamic ideology as a dangerous ideology that can not live in peace with western civilization.  It is not a religion.  It is a totalitarian barbaric terrorist ideology that does not merit religious protection.

Time for Dershowitz,  a staunch defender of Israel, to help undo the havoc he helped create and reverse the way law firms presently fight BDS. 

Due to Alan Dershowitz advocacy to protect first rights amendment for the BDS narrative, law firms have tied their hands in their fight against BDS  and have miserably failed to attack the root of the problem which is slander, defamation, and deligitimization of Jews and Settlers to settle our Biblical and Historical Homeland. They have adopted the Palestinian Lie of Occupation as a given not to be contested.  

The BDS narrative includes that the IDF (and now Dershowitz is teamed with them), and of course the evil settlers,  crush innocent Palestinian children to death and that Israel occupies Palestinian Land. This in turn justifies their rage and justifies their call for "armed struggle",  terror attacks against innocent civilians. In addition they are outraged especially at the IDF.  How dare the IDF defend Israel and its Land and people? That is the biggest outrage of all!

Dershowitz surely can relate in a small way to assimilated Jews in Nazi Germany who were treated no different than proud G-d fearing practicing Jews.  

Dershowitz himself points out that the campaign against him was no different than Nazi anti-Semitism.   Just google THE BLOOD CONNECTION Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini --- Yasser Arafat and you will find their close collaboration with Hitler Yimach Shemo.

But let's get back to our local fight and what Dershowitz can do here in Brooklyn New York to fight this evil. 

Let us start with fighting BDS in the Park Slope Food Coop in Brooklyn NY.  
This was addressed in the following post:

Legal Scholars at BDS Conference UN can't see the Forest for the Trees.

Question. Does the PSFC (Park Slope Food Coop) actually boycott Israel Product


He didn't seem to get it then. Not sure if he could now admit he made a mistake and reverse his long term advocacy for the enemy's abuse of their First amendment rights.  

Mida keneged Mida, measure for measure, the Forward has had the audacity to defend an Anti Semitic campaign against Dershowitz and Dershowitz fights back!  

Finally Dershowitz is defending HIS First amendment rights!

Will he take it a step further to ABOLISH "BDS education" with a law to PROMOTE Israel education measure for measure!  8 years of indoctrination repaid with 8 years of pro Israel education. 

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Alan Dershowitz: Antisemitic Caricature of Me Generates No Criticism From Berkeley Hard-Left | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com


It's sad but Alan Dershowitz is reaping the bitter fruits of his own advocacy. 

He defends Nazi hate speech and calls for its protection under our First Amendment. What is truly amazing is that he will continue to do so even when such hate speech is directed against him. How magnanimous of him! 

Otherwise, he would need to admit that he was mistaken about advocating the rights of those who engage in lies and hate speech. 

As a result of this misguided generosity of spirit,  dangerous ideology has a platform in a variety of settings. Berkeley for example is just one kind of setting reaching a massive audience most of whom are clueless college kids who naively believe whatever their professors, their college newspapers and forums have taught them not realizing it is really propaganda based on lies and hate. 

Any negation, debate or challenge as per the authenticity and truth of such expression of hate on campus is suppressed. 

Dershowitz now finds himself the target of lies and accusations by those whose speech he defends. These scoundrels don't give a sugar about free speech and in fact are masters on controlling the narrative so that only their narrative is free to speak. They use the likes of Dershowitz to be their useful idiot and don't even carry the slightest iota of gratitude for his heroic defense and empowerment of their rights to exercise free hate speech.  Quite the opposite. They have no qualms of attacking him with a generous dose of hate speech much to his dismay.  Yet he magnanimously still defends their right to do so.  Granted he is critical of their choice to do so. But do they really care what he thinks their choices should be? 

When will Alan Dershowitz  grow up and admit he made a mistake and recognize that he helped foster the devil that is now attacking him?

Maybe a lesson of G-d fearing fundamental truths might awaken his consciousness.

Lesson 1: Those who abuse free speech should not be protected under the First Amendment. Spreading lies, hate and propaganda while controlling the narrative and suppressing any debate that challenges such lies, hate and propaganda constitute abuse of free speech.  Brainwashing should not be tolerated. Individuals and groups responsible for spreading lies, hate and propaganda should be identified and be removed from their positions of influence. It should be illegal to  control a one sided,  false and hateful narrative. In its place, individuals who represent the other side of the narrative based on truth and fact should be recruited to present the other side especially until a balanced narrative can be presented to an audience that has been brainwashed. 

Lesson 2: G-d created the world and the Land is His. G-d can choose to give the Land to whom He chooses and take away the Land from whom He chooses. Please check out first Rashi of Breishit. Rashi is a Commentary on the Torah. 

In our Torah, the Promised Land, the Land of Israel, inclusive of Judea and Samaria was never Promised to Palestinians! (These are the facts even if a highly educated professor with lots of degrees insists that Israel occupies Palestinian Land). There is no Biblical, military, historical, legal, archaeological truth and substance to this claim.  There is Biblical, military, historical, legal and archaeological truth to the Jewish claim of Judea and Samaria. 

To nullify what is repeatedly written in the Torah, both the Written Torah and the Oral Torah (תורה שבכתכ ותורה שבעל פה) and mentioned numerous times in the Prophets and repeatedly said in our prayers three times a day for thousands of years, and reiterated in Grace after Meals  and written in passages found in  Tefillin and Mezuzah is not something one can simply dismiss. It is fundamental to our Jewish Heritage. 

Basically here are the facts based on Torah. 

G-d made a Covenant with our Forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to Whom He Promised this Land to Give to them and to their seed, to the Nation of Israel, as an Everlasting Heritage! It is the precisely the actualization of this Promise that will bring Peace and Prosperity to Israel and to the entire world especially when the people abide by the Commandments in the Torah in the Land of Israel. 

Therefore, no one has a legitimate right to give away that which does not belong to him and is not his to give away, in spite of noble intentions.  This is true for the government of Israel, its Prime Minister, its Chief Peace Negotiator and even the President of the USA  as the Land of Israel is not theirs to give away. 

Let me reiterate... It is G-d's Land. 

The question therefore is whether Alan Dershowitz believes in G-d and in the Torah which is G-d's Truth?

But if G-dly Truth doesn't make an impression on Dershowitz's brain, G-d has other routes to get His point across.  

But still after being the object of their hate speech, Dershowitz doesn't seem to be getting the message. Why is he so shocked when influential  forces at Berkeley provides a platform for hate speech directed  against him while at the same time succeeds to suppress his response and removes any credible forum that would allow him to defend himself from these lies and hate in a fair and equal exchange.  Maybe he expected them to show him some special treatment in appreciation for being their greatest advocate to spew hate and lies uncontested.  Or at the very least he expected them to be smart about whom they target. Why alienate an advocate? 

Such ingrates!  ...Oh well..their hate overrides intelligence. 

How much more abuse can he take till he finally gets it?  

Only G-d knows....

OCTOBER 26, 2017 2:21 

Alan Dershowitz: Antisemitic Caricature of Me Generates No Criticism From Berkeley Hard-Left

2017 AWARD WINNER! Gershon Veroba - Let Me Be - גרשון ורובה (cc)


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Sultan Knish: The Center for Jewish History's Jewish Problem (a trend that has infected too many educational and neutral Orgs)


The left modus operandi is to hijack neutral educational and cultural organizations by controlling the agenda and narrative by infiltrating the Organization in leadership positions and using the org as a platform to spread leftist and anti Israel lies, hate and Propaganda. The naive members of the Organization and Educational Institution are then brainwashed to believe the lies especially when the false narrative is then repeated non stop in the Fake News. This is done under the protective umbrella of free speech.

We see this also  in the Park Slope Food Coop in Brooklyn, whose agenda of eating organic and healthy has morphed to now focus on leftist ideology ...being anti Trump and pro BDS and pushing respect and acceptance of Islam and Sharia and in fighting Islamaphobia.  They advocate for welcoming migrants into our country who follow Islamic doctrine, individuals whose culture does not allow them to integrate let alone be submissive to Western Civilization which is guided by Judeo-Christian ethics and morality. 

 They indoctrinate clueless members of such Organizations and Institutions with anti Israel content and typically defame Jews who dare to live in their 3000 year old Biblical Homeland in Judea and Samaria..accusing Jewish settlers  of being illegal "Occupiers"

 They encourage anti-Semitic and anti Zionist sentiment and suppress and bully any individuals who dares to express content that exposes them and brings out the Truth thereby keeping such individuals from gaining positions of leadership that might threaten their own.  

The NFL seems to have been infected as well not to mention many college campuses all over the country. 

Time to drain the swamp not only in Government.

Authentic Jewish Organizations and Leadership in such Organizations has been either infiltrated or suppressed. The only cure is to reverse that trend and not be too humble.
